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March 14, 2021

Lenten Gestures - Perceiving

Inevitably, we will encounter difficulties in our lifetime; moments, be them of our making or of something external, that might tempt us to question the very character of God.

Matthew 25:26

"But his master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter?"

Inevitably, we will encounter difficulties in our lifetime; moments, be them of our making or of something external, that might tempt us to question the very character of God. This is a folly of perception. Like the wicked servant, who himself questioned the character of his Master and acted based on his idea of the Master: “Master, I knew you were a hard man… So, I….” Worse, he used his perception to justify his actions.

Be vigilant of your perceptions and be careful of hiding behind shadows of thought. While God is patient with those whom he loves, there is little space made for actions based on broken perception. Today, take moments of reflection and ask yourself where there might be untrue shadows of God existing in your thoughts. Ask yourself, where those thoughts are inspired and if they hold basis in the light.

Finally, be honest with yourself and ask how those shadows might be causing you to act in a way that is contrary to the life of abundance, which we are called to live into. The folly of perception, is at its end, a deprivation of faith. It is the belief that when little is given, little is required. But our God is a God of abundance and of overflowing. Have faith today, that what might seem like little is always sufficient in an economy of God.

God, in moments when we might be embittered towards you, help us not to act foolishly in the shadows of our thoughts of you. Help us to truly feel your goodness towards us, even if it is not clear by sight. Be gracious to us in our limited understanding. What we do know and proclaim today is that what you entrust to us is enough for us to live into the abundant life that you desire for us.

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Art: Dea Jenkins | Series: Flora | digital photography | 2017

Practice: Photo Walk

1| Go on a walk in your neighborhood. Take a camera (or use the camera on your phone) with you.

2| As you begin your walk, ask God to guide your time and to help you become aware of what you might otherwise miss.

3| Take time to photograph whatever God calls your attention to.

4| After your walk, look over the images you captured. Choose one or two and journal about what you see in the image(s). What do you see in each photograph that you didn't notice while on your walk? What is God revealing to you about what you photographed?
