Megan Keyon
Megan Keyon
“We have all had the experience of finding that our reactions and perhaps even our deeds have denied beliefs we thought were ours.” James Baldwin Consider. The way we know is directly affected by what we experience. But what happens when my experience of the world is vastly different from yours? What happens when your idea of truth stands in direct opposition to mine? And what happens when what I say I believe about people, the world, is not the same as how I act, vote, post, etc.? Conflict happens. When two sides choose their concept of knowledge over and against another, humanity gets lost in a race to create sides and draw up battle lines. We spend more time shouting out our positions without ever truly seeing the humanity of those we consider to be “other”, “those people”, “illegal”, “enemy”. Knowledge can be so easily become a weapon, and in the process we can lose our ability to see common humanity. Truth devoid of any other virtue is tyranny.
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